.:W&W:. Mea Culpa - Piercing Set
Inspired Designs: Heart On My Sleeve Armbands
Includes blood tattoo layer, two armbands with heart and two armbands without a heart.
Koala dAlliez (63,132,22)
Koala dAlliez (63,132,22)
[Mystic Canvass]: Emma Skin
Favole: Edged
Lamp*Light: Rejected Chocolate
Blue Blood: Snowblood
Includes male and female fitting for chains and chainsaws.
Les sucreries de: Weird Doll Outfit
Includes shirt, pants, stockings, gloves, arm and leg attachments, boots, necklace, dollie, backpack, necklace and hat.
Sunfield (128,64,2)
Sunfield (128,64,2)
{W&R}: Blood Bath
Includes gargoyle inspired gas mask with a breather script and resizer.

Hysteria: Anatomy of a Killer Tattoo

Hysteria: Anatomy of a Killer Tattoo
~{Gothica}~: Wild Goth
Outfit includes top, panties and skirt along with three colors, pink, lime and blue.
Eunpyung (224,31,57)

The Little Bat: Lilah Morte Skin in Ruby
Obayifo (160,80,2)
Outfit includes top, panties and skirt along with three colors, pink, lime and blue.
Eunpyung (224,31,57)

The Little Bat: Lilah Morte Skin in Ruby
Obayifo (160,80,2)

CoLLisions: Cast No Shadow Tattoo
Includes six layers.
Dark Tranquility (127,210,24)
Love Zombie: Suicide
Includes tank top.
HOD: Mess of Metal Prt. 2 Set
Inlcudes spine and tailbone piercings, 8 sets of metals, and tattoo layer created by Nuuna.
Dark Tranquility (181,130,901)
Horror Haute begins February 23 through February 29th.